Getting Started
Basic Encaustic Studio Set-Up
Here's a list of essentials to set up your studio and start creating your encaustic artwork:
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Hot Palette: Presto Slimline griddle
Used as a hot surface to keep your paints liquefied during use.
Surface Thermometer: AcuRite
Used to monitor your working temperature: Working Temp 200°F / 93°C.
Exhaust Fan: (one or more) I use a basic Box Fan
Needed for proper ventilation.
Extension cord
Fire Extinguisher: 2x Tundra fire extinguishers
Always have at least two or more fire extinguishers placed at opposite sides of your studio.
Work Table: Sturdy with a fire resistant surface
Can source from home, secondhand store, or have constructed.
Bernz-O-Matic Torch: TS 3500 torch head with one tank of propane or a similar style torch.
Flat Bottom Tins for Wax: 12 pack tea tins
Can source from second hand store, but they must have flat bottoms.
Foil Pans: 12 packs of 5
For containing encaustic medium and large amounts of paint.
Brushes: 1” and 2” Chip Brushes
Must be natural bristle, pure hog bristle brushes.
Gloves: Nitrile disposable gloves
Shop / Paper Towels
Potter’s Loop: 1 and 3/4" with a small and large side
For cleaning edges and editing the surface.
Exacto Knife: #1 knife and blade
For editing and removing brush hairs from your work.
Putty Knife: stiff, not flexible type
For cleaning work surface and removing any excess wax from back of panel.
Encaustic Medium: Enkaustikos Medium or R&F encaustic medium pellets
Basic Encaustic Paint Colors:
Titanium White
Naples Yellow
Cadmium Red Medium
Ultramarine Blue
Chromium Oxide Green
Cobalt Teal
Cadmium Orange
Cobalt Violet
8” x 8” Birch Panels Must be a rigid, absorbent substrate.